artisan furniture USA

Wholesale for Resale

Wholesale for Resale: A Guide to Sourcing and Selling Wholesale Products

When it comes to running a successful retail business, sourcing quality wholesale merchandise is crucial. Wholesale buying allows retailers to purchase products in bulk from manufacturers or distributors at reduced prices, providing higher profit margins when reselling those goods to consumers. This guide covers key information retailers need to know about navigating the wholesale marketplace and optimizing their inventory for resale.

Finding Reliable Wholesale Suppliers and Vetting Options

The first step to sourcing wholesale merchandise is finding reputable suppliers to work with. Some popular methods for locating wholesalers include:

  • Online wholesale directories like SaleHoo or WorldWideBrands. These paid services compile supplier lists along with user reviews.
  • Industry trade shows where wholesalers showcase products. Major shows include the Atlanta Apparel Market and the New York Now trade show.
  • Search engines using relevant keywords like “wholesale clothing distributors” or “wholesale toys dropshippers.” This often yields supplier websites.
  • Business-to-business websites like that connect retailers to manufacturers and wholesalers.

Once prospective suppliers are located, retailers should vet options thoroughly by checking factors like:

  • Company history and longevity
  • Industry reputation based on customer reviews
  • Range and pricing of inventory
  • Order minimums and fulfillment processes
  • Payment terms and reliability meeting industry standards

Vetting helps avoid unreliable or fraudulent suppliers and find those best aligned with your retail business needs.

Evaluating Wholesale Product Mix and Pricing

When evaluating supplier inventory, focus on product selection and depth within your niche. Review if pricing yields adequate profit margins after reselling to customers. Calculate markup percentages by dividing your planned retail price by the wholesale cost.

Consider range flexibility – some wholesalers offer fixed packaged deals while others allow mixing products. Order minimums also vary, so choose suppliers fitting business size and stage. Weigh factors like uniqueness of product line, trend relevance, quality inspection policies, and branding opportunities when assessing optimal inventory.

Ordering Inventory and Managing Ongoing Supplier Relationships

When preparing to order, request discount tiers for different order volumes and determine ideal quantities for the first inventory purchase. Provide accurate shipping and billing information and follow up post-order on estimated delivery times.

Inspect shipments thoroughly on arrival before signing for delivery. Track sales velocities and reorder bestsellers regularly to avoid stockouts. Provide suppliers with periodic feedback and discuss improvements or emerging needs. Maintain prompt payment terms and open communication channels. Leverage long-term relationships to negotiate better contract terms over time.

Optimizing Inventory Management and Resale Strategy

Closely monitor and report inventory metrics like turnover rate, average days to sell, and stock levels. Adjust purchasing based on sales data trends. Liquidate slow-moving items through clearance sales, and donate or discard unsold overstock using write-offs.

Photograph products for appealing listings and optimize descriptions for searchability. Competitively price goods in line with profit goals and market rates. Consider offering volume discounts or bundling high-demand and slow-moving items. Market bestselling goods across all channels and featured products through email, social media, and ads.

Following these tips can position retailers for success when sourcing and reselling wholesale products. Finding the right suppliers, strategically managing inventory, and focusing on profitability are keys to running a thriving retail business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can retailers find reputable wholesale suppliers to work with?

Retailers can find wholesale suppliers through online directories like SaleHoo and WorldWideBrands, trade shows, search engines using relevant keywords, and business-to-business websites like

What factors should retailers consider when vetting potential suppliers?

Important factors to consider when vetting suppliers include the company’s history and reputation, inventory range and pricing, order minimums and fulfillment processes, and payment terms and reliability standards.

What product attributes should retailers evaluate when assessing supplier inventory?

Key product attributes to evaluate include the selection and depth within your retail niche, pricing and expected profit margins, range flexibility, order minimums, product uniqueness, quality, and branding opportunities.

How can retailers calculate expected profit margins on wholesale products?

Retailers can calculate profit margins by dividing the planned retail price by the wholesale unit cost to determine the markup percentage.

What information should retailers provide when preparing a wholesale order?

When ordering, retailers should provide accurate shipping and billing details, requested order quantities, discount tiers based on volume, and follow up on estimated delivery timelines.

How can retailers maintain positive long-term relationships with suppliers?

Retailers should maintain good relationships by making prompt payments, giving periodic feedback, communicating openly, and negotiating improved contract terms over time.

What inventory metrics should retailers track and monitor?

Important inventory metrics to track include turnover rate, average days to sell, and current stock levels for each product.

How can retailers optimize online listings and descriptions for their inventory?

Optimizing listings and descriptions involves using appealing photos, keyword-rich titles and descriptions, competitive pricing, and marketing bestselling items across all channels.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

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